Saturday, 25 January 2014

Most Popular Urban Legends Still Being Told


Mr. Rogers was a Navy SEAL

Mr. RogersAccording to this legend Mr. Rogers, the popular children’s show host, was once a Navy SEAL sniper in Vietnam responsible for numerous deaths. It goes on to say that the only reason he always wears a sweater is to cover up all of his tattoos. As you may have guessed, Mr. Rogers was never a Navy SEAL and he had no tattoos, in fact he was never even in the military. This isn’t the first time, however, that this rumor has circulated concerning a clean cut celebrity.

Bloody Mary

Bloody MaryPossibly one of the most popular urban legends told among school age children having sleep overs, according to this myth if you turn out the lights, look into a mirror, and say Bloody Mary three times (in some versions the number of times differs) then you will summon the spirit of Mary Worth, a woman who was supposedly executed for being a witch.

Kennedy and the Jelly Donut

Kennedy and the Jelly DonutThe legend goes that Kennedy made a trip to Germany back in the 60′s in an attempt to connect with the German people. While giving a speech in the capital he told the crowd, “Ich bin ein Berliner” or “I am a Berliner”. Apparently though, a “berliner” is also a type of German pastry. Since then numerous stories have circulated claiming that he was practically laughed off stage afterwards. The truth is, however, that that the crowd understood him perfectly and nary a single eyebrow was raised at the statement.

The Dissolving Tooth

Coca ColaThere are numerous urban legends involving Coca Cola. In fact, there are so many that these legends all now have their own category known as “Colklore”. The most popular is that if you were to leave a tooth in a cup of coke overnight by morning the tooth would be completely dissolved. Like most of the other legends involving the popular drink this is totally untrue.

The Good Samaritan

MoneyCirculating for years this legend tells the story of a motorist who stops on the side of the road to help someone fix their flat tire. The person being helped then asks the motorist for his address to send a reward. Several weeks later the motorist receives $10,000 in the mail. Over the years this story has been attributed to several celebrities, most recently Donald Trump.

Walt Disney is Cryogenically Frozen

Cryogenically FrozenThis is another one of those popular stories that most of us have probably heard. It says that Disney supposedly had his dead body frozen in hopes that future technology could bring him back to life. Unfortunately for all the gossip magazines though, records show that Disney was cremated in 1966.

Sewer Gators

Sewer GatorsThis story tells the tale of how several alligators were brought up from Florida to be kept as pets in New York City. After they got too big and violent they escaped into the sewers where they now live freely. Dating back to the 1930s and spread by sensationalist newspapers the story is completely untrue yet continues to be circulated to this day.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker

Vanishing hitchhikerPossibly one of the oldest urban legends still being told the story tells of a motorist who picks up a female hitchhiker on a lonely stretch of road. He then drives her home only to find that she has disappeared from his backseat. After knocking on her door he is told the girl died in a car accident years ago in the very same spot that he picked her up.

The Kidney Heist

KidneysImmortalized on TV and the internet, this legend dates back to 1997 when an email was circulated warning people of a crazy new crime wave catching on in big cities. It usually involves a traveling business man being bought drinks by a stranger only to wake up in a tub covered in ice with a phone next to him telling him to call 911. Covered in blood he later learns that his kidney has been removed by criminals who intend to sell it on the black market. Although the story almost sounds feasible with all the craziness you see on the nightly news, even after the National Kidney Foundation asked victims to contact them no one has come forward and the email has been written off as a hoax.

The Killer in the Backseat

BackseatThis is one of those popular urban legends that just never seems to die. It tells the story of a woman who is driving down a dark road at night only to have a strange car pull up behind her and start flashing its lights. As she takes off on her exit and approaches her home the stranger continues to follow her. She pulls up in her driveway ready to make a mad dash to her front door only to hear the stranger behind her get out of his car and yell to her to lock her door and call 911. Only after the police arrive does she learn that the stranger was actually trying to protect her. In her backseat was a man holding a butcher knife ready to stab her to death. The stranger had noticed his shadowy form and started flashing his lights to get her attention after which the figure slouched back down in the seat.

Babysitter and the Man Upstairs

Baby sitter and the man upstairsThis urban legend tells the story of a baby sitter that starts getting phone calls from a strange man asking her questions that get progressively more personal and conclude with whether or not she has checked the children. She ends up calling the police who proceed to trace the strangers call. They immediately call the babysitter back and tell her to get the kids out of the house immediately because the calls are coming from within the homes itself. It is at this moment that police arrive to find a man in the upstairs room where the kids are sleeping but it is already too late as all of the kids have been brutally murdered.

Humans Can Lick Too

Humans can lick tooIn what is probably one of the more disturbing urban legends out there a girl is given a dog by her parents to keep her company while they are away. One night she was awakened by a dripping sound. She got up and went to turn off the tap properly after which she came back to bed while letting her hand hang over the edge as the dog licked her fingers. The dripping sound didn’t stop though so this scenario played out several more times with the girl returning to bed and falling asleep with the dog licking her fingers yet again. The final time, however, she decides to try locating where exactly the drip is coming from. She looks around only to find the sound emerging from within her cupboard. She opens it up to find her dog with its neck cut and a note saying “humans can lick too”.

Aren’t You Glad You Didn’t Turn On The Light?

Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?Widely circulated on college campuses this legend tells the story of two girls about to have a big test the next day. One of the girls gets invited to a party the night before and when she returns to her dorm room she doesn’t want to wake her friend so she goes straight to bed. When she wakes up in the morning she rolls over to find her friend had been brutally murdered during the night and written on the wall in blood is the phrase, “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the lights?”

The Jedi Religion Form

JediThis far reaching hoax claims that if enough people fill out “Jedi” as their religion on their census forms the government will have to make it an official religion. In fact, at one point thousands of people tried to do just that but to no avail. Just because a large number of people check something on a census form is not grounds for introducing it as “official”.

Snuff Films

Snuff filmFor those of you who don’t know what snuff films are, they are movies in which a person is murdered during the course of filming. Usually they are said to be funded by twisted rich people but as of yet not a single snuff film has been legitimately found in spite of numerous rewards going to anyone with information on their production.

Very Bizarre Wedding Customs


In Fiji men are expected to bring the father of the bride a tooth from a whale's mouth


In Kenyan Masai weddings the father blesses his daughter by spitting on her head


In France, the friends of the bride and groom collect all the wedding leftovers and bits of trash in a toilet bowl and then force the couple to drink it. These days, however, its usually just chocolate


In Ireland at least one of the bride's feet have to always be on the floor during her wedding. They used to believe that evil fairies would sweep her away if she didn't


In Yugur culture (an ethnic Chinese minority) the groom shoots his bride three times with headless arrows. He then breaks the arrows to ensure their love lasts


In Southern Sudan people of the Neur tribe believe the wedding isn't complete until the bride has had 2 children. Until then the groom can seek a divorce.


On the Maruesas Islands of French Polynesia the relatives of the bride all lay face down in the dirt as the bride and groom walk over them


Although no country officially recognizes human/animal marriages they are practiced in some places like India to ward off evil spirits


Some villages in Africa require an older woman from the village to accompany the bride and groom on the first night after their wedding


In the Congo the bride and groom are not allowed to smile throughout the entire wedding ceremony


In many countries throughout Asia and Africa the bride is kidnapped before her wedding


In France, friends of the bride and groom congregate outside their home on the first night of their marriage to bang on pots and pans


In Mauritania girls go to fat farms because being fat is attractive for marriage


In some Irish counties several men will dress up in straw, go to the brides house on the eve of her wedding, and dance with her


In Spartan culture, the women would shave their heads and dress up like men before waiting to get stolen away by their groom-to-be.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

the real brain teasers

 Old codes
New codes

During war a new station K is established between L and N stations. According to the new code the distance between the K and N stations is DCA meters . According to old code distance between L and N stations is ADLC meters.
What will be the distance between L and K stations according to new code?

Solution : Value of DCA according to new code = 593meters
Value of ADLC according to old code = 1096 meters
So, Distance between L and N = 1096 meters
And distance between K and N = 993 meters
So, distance between L and K = 1096 – 593 = 503 meters
On converting 503 according to new code, DHA comes.

Train A leaves Mumbai at 10:00 a.m. for Delhi and travels with a constant speed of 50 km/h, while train B leaves Delhi at 10:30 a.m. for Mumbai and travels with a constant speed of 60 km/h. At the instant when the two trains meet, which train will be nearer to Mumbai?
Both trains will be at the same distance from Mumbai!

You will find me in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days? Who am I?
The letter 'n'!

Find the odd one out

                                              a) OXMICE
                                              b) NIWAAT
                                              c) REEPOU
                                              d) DOLANP
                                              e) ANFCER
                                              f) LARSIE
The option (c) is the odd one out, all the others are anagrams of country names, as

Dev was born on March 5, 1970. Prashant has born 25 days before Dev. If in that year Republic  Day has come on Monday, then on what day did Prashant was born?
Solution: Since Prashant has born 25 days before Dev so birth date of Prashant is February 8, 1970. But in that year Republic Day was on Monday.
Now, number of days from 26 January till 8 February = 13 days
Hence, after 13 days of Monday, there will be Sunday.